What is IT Service Continuity Management ?
IT Service Continuity Management according to ISO 27031 is designed to ensure that IT services are available in a crisis situation. To achieve this goal, companies implement effective measures in the form of IT emergency preparedness. This helps minimize the impact of an IT incident and avoid losses in the billions of dollars.
Imagine a situation. Your data center has been affected by a flood or fire. All data has been lost, and you have been unable to move your services and IT applications to another data center. Do you have a plan B?
For many companies, this situation is a disaster. Especially for companies in the KRITIS sector, there are often strict SLAs and contractual agreements between service providers and customers. If a service provider does not react within the agreed restart time (RTO) in the event of an IT emergency, this can usually lead to a loss of trust on the part of the customer and, in the worst case, to very high fines that threaten the company’s existence.
Hardly any company today can maintain its business processes without IT resources. With IT contingency plans or disaster recovery plans, you can prepare for a crisis or emergency situation. In other words: IT emergency management is how you keep your IT infrastructure running in the event of an emergency with the right actions and plans in place.
What can companies do?
Implementing IT continuity management prepares your business for critical IT incidents and helps you respond to them properly. Unlike business continuity management (BCM), it focuses on your IT infrastructure.
With the ITSCM process, you can maintain a predefined IT service level despite the many IT application outages.
When implementing ITSCM, we take into account the requirements of ISO 27031 and BSI Standard 100-4, as well as interfaces with ITIL and ISO 27001.
Our offer:
ITSCM consulting
Whether you need support in the individual phases of ITSCM or would like to implement ITSCM processes, we are at your disposal at any time.
ITSCM outsourcing
We take over the responsibility for your ITSCM so that you can concentrate on your core business. We implement the ITSCM process, adapt the necessary documents to your company, help you select the right tools and conduct awareness training so that your employees react correctly to IT emergencies.
Ihre Vorteile
ITSC-Plans and Relevant Documentation
We will provide you with various types of IT contingency plans, customized documents and templates.
This will allow you to respond quickly and effectively to threats and be best prepared for an audit.Implemented ITSCM
Whether you are implementing ITSCM for the first time or need support in specific phases of the ITSCM lifecycle.
We are happy to work out the necessary requirements and create an ITSCM project plan for it together with you.Transparency of your IT infrastructure
With the implementation of appropriate IT emergency preparedness, you get the clarity about processes of your internal IT.Trained Personnel
You want to be able to react correctly to IT emergencies and crises?
With appropriate training and documented implementation of tests and exercises, your employees are well prepared.Audit of your ITSCM
You want to be sure that your ITSCM system is properly lived in the company.
With tests and exercises, you get an understanding of the practicality of IT emergency plans.Efficiency and Competitive Advantage
With IT emergency preparedness implemented, you can not only stay on top of your IT infrastructure, but create a competitive advantage.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Every business process is based on a functioning IT infrastructure.
During an outage, it is important to make this available again within a defined period of time.
A functioning ITSCM facilitates this. - That depends.
BCM identifies a company's time-critical business processes and ensures that they continue in the event of an emergency.
The task of ITSCM is to ensure the availability of IT applications for time-critical business processes. - Yes, when implementing ITSCM, the focus is on IT applications and IT infrastructures.